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32 Ridiculous Things That Are So Useless They’re Actually Funny.

Every single product or object on earth must be efficient, functional, and have a clear purpose for its existence, whether it's informative, educational. Companies and engineers and not going to waste their time and money coming up with sophisticated invention that has no use, or a building that is not accessible, or a sign no one wants to read. They're busy building our future. we want you to take look at these most ridiculous, pointless things on this uber weird planet.

 #1. Gee, thanks for the warning! If it wasn't for this sucker, we would've grilled that clothing hanger, steamed some broccoli, and momma would be having a feast tonight! 

 #2. If Hodor from Game of Thrones would've had this door to hold, things would've been preeetty different. 

#3. It's OK, some people really like to do everything in pairs, but what's up with the lids?

#4. This one's got to be ironic, right? Does the staircase get ultra dangerous on the last step? 

#5. He wouldn't have bought the truck if it didn't come with that super useful single windshield wiper. You know it. 

#6. Wooow! Look at that marvelous piece of equipment. Thank you! We're going to hang it on the fridge for eeeeveryone to see. 

#7. That's why your momma told you to never burn bridges. Now you got to swim! 

#8. Well, what are you laughing about? I'll have you know that ultra paper-thin skinny people live there, okay?! 

#9. No, they couldn't have just continued the sidewalk, they had to specifically paint the crosswalk. Who are we to judge? 

#10. See? This is what happens when you lie on your resume straight after graduating College with a B-. But did you have to be drunk when designing it too? 
#11. Rain boots? That's so yesterday. These rain shoes will keep you dripping in style, literally.

 #12. Yeah, no, I wanted to know what language it was. Didn't really care much about what they were actually saying, or the plot so much. 

#13. Keep off the grass, oh but do float your way to the benches and enjoy your lovely evening. 

#14. No, yeah, I so needed that sign. Nothing better than having an emergency and having to run into a sign that points in the right direction. 

#15. Whoever designed this doesn't really like cyclists that much. 
#16. In Canada, there's this thing where everything has to be translated to French and English. EVERYTHING. 

#17. Thanks for making a bright and tall enough sign to warn us from potentially damaging our cars with your useless sign. 

#18. Is this part of the school principal's plan to get kids to apply themselves? "Oh, so you failed? You must walk through the door of doom"

 #19. Let's just call it a work of art, shall we? Art. It's gotta be art! 

#20. That's what you get when you buy your fences on Ebay. In their defense, the picture made it look much bigger. 

#21. See? This is what happens when you don't write instructions down. Plant them in the little squares? You got it mister! 

#22. Looks like a trippy painting! You know who'd have no issue using these? Parkour enthusiasts. 

#23. Omg, don't park there! What if the building caught fire and you're blocking the fire escape? What are they going to do? Run to the other side? 

#24. Thanks, world of advertising and marketing! That ad that looks like a sign is not confusing at all! And no, we did not just wait for an hour for a bus before reading it.

 #25. Sometimes you have to be extra, extra clear. Admit it, people are pretty dumb! 
#26. Why of course it's a great idea to come up with a case to...KEEP your banana and nothing more! But make it curvy so it only takes curvy bananas! 

#27. This parking lot loves to play games. It's super fun! "Park here, but like, we're going to block the front, so figure it out." 

#28. Someone forgot how to notice. Did you notice this notice? How did they not notice?

 #29. Admit it, you LOVE all the attention you get when you're in the crappper! Thanks Bathroom designer 
people for getting rid of the one thing we hated the most about bathrooms: privacy! 

#30. When the door has such a massive peephole called "a window", what's the point on spying on your neighbors through the tiny one? 
#31. OMG! I'm going to have to call my mother and tell her to stop doing that in the shower! Thanks!

 #32. "Karen? Yeah, we're cancelling those swimming lessons. A sign has been brought up to my attention. " 
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