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21 Underwater Discoveries Too Bizarre To Believe

The ocean covers 80% of our world. It’s estimated that to date humans have explored less than 5 percent of the entire world’s water. Considering that for centuries travel by water was our primary mode of transportation over long distances, it’s reasonable to assume there are hundreds, maybe thousands of interesting things, treasures, and creatures that lie undiscovered in the vast expanse of the oceans. But as we continue to search this great unexplored expanse, humans have made some astounding discoveries. Some of the things here are ancient, some new (relatively speaking), but all are jaw-droppingly cool. 1.

 F4U Corsair

The submerged World War 2 plane ran out of fuel and the quick-thinking pilot changed trajectory and landed in the ocean. According to the story, the pilot was able to free himself from the plane before it sank and survived the crash. 2.

The Lost City of Heracleion

For five years, famed archaeologist Frank Goddio embarked on an epic journey in search of the lost Egyptian city. When he was almost ready to give up, he stumbled upon the ruins by accident. 3.

The Ghost Fleet

Imagine diving and coming across this eerie undersea graveyard. The “Ghost Fleet” is a World War 2 era underwater grave with over 40 vehicles bombed near Chuuk Lagoon.

4. Sculpture Park

The warm Caribbean waters of Cancun, Mexico, offer this unique attraction for divers where they can see over 500 life-like sculptures.

 5. MS Zenobia

A 10,000 ton ferry sank to the bottom of the ocean in Larnaca Bay in Cyprus in the 1980’s and rests
there still today.

 6. The Underwater River

Skilled divers can access the “Underwater River,” also known as “Cenote Angelita Cave.” The trees and plants which appear to grow out of the “river,” is actually just an optical illusion caused by a cloud of hydrogen sulfide interacting with the saltwater.

7. USS Oriskany

The aircraft carrier saw years of warfare through both the Korean and Viet Nam Wars before finally being sunk. It’s now a part of the world’s largest artificial coral reef.

 8. Train Graveyard

In 1985, archaeologists discovered a “train graveyard” off the coast of New Jersey, with locomotives and train cars dating back to the 1850’s. Not surprised New Jersey would waste them…

 9. Yonaguni Monument

Off the coast of Japan is the Yonaguni Monument, a massive stone structure believed to be over 5,000 years old.

10. SS President Coolidge

The large ship saw it’s seafaring days end after succumbing to a series of underwater mines.

 11. The Titanic

You know the story, so we won’t bore you with details. “We’ll never let go, Jack.” (Note: Jack was not a real person. Well, the movie Jack anyway.)

 12. "Ancient" Chinese City

China’s Qiandao Lake is the home of this “ancient” city, which really isn’t ancient at all since the city was purposely submerged by a construction company.

13. SS Thistlegorm

The British merchant ship was sunk in WW2 in the Red Sea and contains everything from vehicles and motorcycles, to ammunition and other weaponry.

 14. Manganese Balls

Taking a break from sunken treasures, these naturally occurring manganese balls have kept scientists stumped for decades. No one quite knows how or why they form, but they can be just millimeters wide to watermelon-sized.

 15. Irish Silver

Researches in Ireland discovered this huge 61 ton haul of World War II-era silver off the coast nestled in a British cargo ship. Score!

16. The Antikythera Mechanism

Discovered in the early 1900’s, the Antikythera Mechanism is an ancient analog “computer” used to predict the movement of the moon and stars that dates back to somewhere between 100 and 205 BCE. 17.

Apollo 11 Rockets

Once thought lost to the ocean, the rockets were discovered using sonar technology in the Atlantic, led by a team of researchers funded by Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos. Amaz-ing.

 18. Sweepstakes

This Canadian schooner from 1867 sunk in Big Tub Harbour in 1885. It’s only 10 feet underwater, so even novice divers can go searching it’s 100-year-old corridors.

19. Blackbeard's Cannons

Nope, it’s not Pirates of the Caribbean, or maybe it is. Edward Teach, aka, Blackbeard, sunk the Queen Anne’s Revenge off the coast of North Carolina, along with the millions of pounds of treasures, artifacts, and this cannon weighing over 3,000 lbs.

 20. Ancient Mediterranean Shipwreck

For thousands of years, a legend persisted of an ancient merchant vessel that sunk with jewels and pottery in the Mediterranean. Finally, in 2014, divers off the coast of Malta found the ancient Phoenician shipwreck with many of the old pots and golden treasures still intact.

 21. Bonus: Lake Michigan Stonehenge

OK, it’s not the sea, but we had to include Lake Michigan’s “Stonehenge,” this prehistoric rock formation that contains engravings of a mastodon.