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30 Optical Illusions Photos That Will Make You Look Twice

Sometimes when you want to take pictures with your friends or family, and thanks to the unfortunate or extremely fortunate timing unexpected pets or people appear in the frame, and instantly these pics become memes spread all over the internet. We invite you to take a closer look at these insane brain-melting optical illusions.

1. Mr. Fantastic, is that you?

2. That’s some M. Night Shyamalan twist right there.

3. Not sure if this was photoshopped…

4. Uuhh, was this a calculated move?

5. I’m still not convinced that those are not demon eyes.

6. How many legs do you see?

7. Can you see it?

8. That’s a great question, Kayden.

9. Never Volkswagen your Porsche, girl. Ever.

10. Okay, apart from them all probably being dead, WHO TOOK THE PICTURE?

11. Are you still skeptical about giants living among us?

12. When you see it…

14. It took me longer than I’d like to admit, but it was worth it.

15. It’s probably one of those weird fetishes people have.

16. Everything the light touches is yours, Simba!

17. Who said yoga was easy?

18. All I can think of are bark puns…

19. Slenderman: The Early Years.

22. Girl, you should wax those wolf hands.

23. That’s creepy AF!

24. Do you even lift, sis?

25. You’re still thinking with your naughty bits, huh?

26. Well, in that case, you’re gonna love this one!

27. Why is there a bride in the middle of the fountain?

28. Grandpa has never been quite the same since the accident…

29. Well…